The direction and management of the “Waterworks Division” of the department of public works shall be under the general control and supervision of the city manager subject to authority of the governing body of the city and such rules and regulations as may pertain to the operation of the waterworks system of the city. The waterworks system shall consist of the water mains, softening plant, wells, engines, pumps, tanks, fire hydrants, service lines and appurtenances thereto and such materials, equipment and apparatus as may be incidental to the effective operation of such system.

(Code 1962, 20-101; Code 1985)

The city manager shall cause such records to be kept as will account for the fiscal and property affairs of the waterworks division. He or she shall report annually to the governing body the financial, physical and operational condition and status of the waterworks system and make his or her recommendations of its improvements and operation. The manager is further authorized to employ such permanent employees, and temporary laborers as may be required for the effective operation and conduct of the division. He or she is further authorized to purchase such materials as may be required from time to time and make such repairs as may be necessary for the continued operation and maintenance of the system.

(Code 1962, 20-102)

The city clerk shall be the cashier of the waterworks division and shall make out all water bills and keep a proper record of each customer’s account, including water charges, Kansas retailers’ sales tax, deposits to insure the payment of bills (or the safe return of meters), and the interest accruing on the same connection charges, penalties, rebates, and all other financial transactions with each customer except such as may be required to be kept by other officer or employees. The city clerk shall examine in detail all bills, accounts, and claims against the city arising from the operation of the waterworks, and if found correct, sign his or her name in approval thereof, but if found incorrect, he or she shall refuse to approve the same. He or she shall perform such other and further duties in regard to the waterworks system as may be prescribed herein or in other articles of this code or by state law.

(Code 1962, 20-103)

The city treasurer shall deposit water revenues in the city depository daily and shall keep account of the waterworks fund the same as for other funds of the city.

(Code 1962, 20-104)

The revenue derived from the operations of the city waterworks and services of the waterworks division shall be placed in the city treasury and kept in a separate kind to be known as the “waterworks fund.” Such fund shall not be paid out and disbursed except for the purpose of operating, renewing or extending the plant or distribution system from which such revenue was derived, the payment of interest on outstanding bonds issued for the construction, extension or purchase thereof, the payment of the salaries of the employees of the waterworks division, and for such other purposes and uses as may be authorized by law, and the governing body.

(Code 1962, 20-105)

The following words, as used in this articles relating to the city waterworks and sale of water, shall have the meanings herein ascribed to them:

(a)   Owner - means the legal or equitable holder of the title of the real property connected, or to be connected to, the waterworks system.

(b)   Customer - is the party in whose name the account for water services is carried by the city.

(c)   Consumer - is the party using the water service.

(d)   Party may include persons, associations, firms, co-partners, societies or corporations.

(e)   Water Service or Service - means the supplying and sale of water to customers.

(f)   Water Service Installation or Service Connection - means the necessary pipes, cocks, apparatus and equipment in place and necessary to connect water main and bring water therefrom to the owners water pipes.

(g)   Water Pipes or Piping - shall mean such water lines as shall be furnished by the owner to connect to the service installation of the city and to supply water to his or her premises.

(Code 1962, 20-107)

(a)   The owner of all houses, buildings, or properties used for human occupancy, employment, recreation, or other purpose, situated within the city abutting on any street, alley, or right-of-way in which there is now located or may in the future be located near public water mains, is hereby required at his or her own expense to make connection to such public water meter setting.

(b)   Before any connection is made to the city’s water system an application must be made in writing to the city clerk by the owner of the premises·, or his or her authorized representative, for a permit to make such connection.

(Code 2006)

Before any water service shall be installed where such service is not in place, an application for such service shall be made in writing by the owner of the premises to be serviced or by his, her or its authorized representative at the office of city clerk or waterworks division on forms to be supplied by the city. The application shall disclose the location of the premises to be served, the name of the owner, the number of consumers to be served, the purposes for which service is desired, and such other information as may be necessary for the purpose of this article. If there is no available main or distributing line to which the water service may be connected, the conditions for extending such mains or lines shall first be satisfied before installation shall be authorized by the city. The application and its acceptance shall constitute a contract between the owner and the city for the installation of the water service. After the contract for the new installation shall have been made, the owner shall pay to the city such fees or charges for making such installation as may be provided by the laws of the city before water service shall be supplied to such premises.

(Code 1962, 20-108)

(a)   Any person, firm or corporation desiring a connection with the municipal water system shall apply in writing to the city clerk, on a form furnished by the city for that purpose, for a permit to make the connection.

(b)   The application shall:

(1)   Contain an exact description including street address of the property to be served;

(2)   State the size of tap required;

(3)   State the size and kind of service pipe to be used;

(4)   State the full name of the owner of the premises to be served;

(5)   State the purpose for which the water is to be used;

(6)   State any other pertinent information required by the city clerk;

(7)   Be signed by the owner or occupant of the premises to be served, or his or her authorized agent.

(c)   Each application for a connection permit shall be accompanied by payment of fees and/or costs specified in this Article.

(Code 2006)

The city may extend its water mains or distribution lines within or without the city by new construction or purchase of existing lines when application has been made or agreements entered into with owners along the proposed extension which will produce a revenue in the judgment of the city council sufficient to pay interest on the cost of such extension and the operating costs of the services to be supplied. The city may at any time extend such mains within the city without special contracts for such extensions when in the judgment of the city council the same may be financed from the waterworks fund or by other means provided by law. The city may require any proposed customer (owner) situated outside the city limits to whom it may decide to supply water to construct his, her or its own water lines to a water main within the city in accordance with the city’s specifications and subject to inspection by the city, and to maintain the same at his, her or its expense for the purposes of receiving water service. In the event any premises so served, or the water mains serving tie same shall be brought within the city, the city may acquire title to and maintain such lines which shall be located within any street or public grounds of the city, the price thereof to be at its salvage value.

(Code 1962, 20-109)

The provisions of sections 15-211:215 shall govern the installation of new water services, and the renewal and maintenance of all water services by the city.

(1)   Each property to be supplied by the city shall have a separate water service installation. However, a joint water service may be authorized when the property being serviced does not abut the street along which the water main is laid.

(2)   Any premises occupied as a duplex, apartment house or by other multiple dwelling units, or occupied in conjunction with a commercial building or other building and which receives water service from a single service shall pay the minimum water bill as for a domestic customer for each separate unit, unless provisions is otherwise made by contract for such service.

(3)   Hotels, motels and tourist camps may receive service through single installation and shall pay such water rates as may be provided for commercial users of water.

(4)   Separate water meters may be installed at the option of the city on the request of the owner for each apartment or other domestic service unit.

(5)   The city will contract with only one of the several parties receiving service through a single installation (except where separate meters are installed for each service unit) and reserves the right of discontinuance for the failure of any such customer to pay the water bill when due, or to abide by the regulations under which the service is supplied.

(Code 1962, 20-110; Code 1985)

In the event of the subdivision of any tract after a water service has been installed for the supply of the original owner or customer located thereon, such service shall be deemed to have been installed only to supply the buildings and appurtenances immediately adjacent to and serviced by the original installation. New water service shall be installed (as provided by the preceding section) for new owners or customers receiving service for the subdivided tract or lands.

(Code 1962, 20-111)

Upon satisfaction of the requirements for a new water service installation or a replacement of an existing service, the waterworks division shall tap the main and insert a corporation cock, and run the water service pipe from its connection with the corporation cock to the edge of the right of way line on the property. The City shall set the meter at such point and install a shut off on the City side of the meter, or within the public right of way. The service pipe shall not be less than three feet below the surface of the ground. All service pipe shall be of copper or plastic approved by the public works superintendent, between the main and the meter, when the main to which it is attached is metal. Plastic (PVC) pipe shall be permitted where the main to which it is attached is plastic (PVC). All work of such installation and necessary materials and apparatus shall be performed by the City up to and including installation of the meter, however, the City will bear no expense or responsibility for anything installed outside of the public right of way. The materials, apparatus and labor to install the corporation cock, run line up to the meter and install the meter with shutoffs shall be billed to the customer at the City’s actual costs for the initial installation of a service. Once a service is installed, the City shall be responsible for maintaining up to the meter unless the meter is installed outside of the public right of way. If the meter is located outside of the right of way, the City will maintain up to a shutoff within the public right of way. Any expenses for upgrades, or newly desired enhancements, to the existing water system shall be borne by the water customer. PVC pipe shall be approved by the public works superintendent prior to installation.

(Ord. 1150; Ord. 1416)

The owner shall at his or her own expense furnish such materials and labor as may be necessary to service his or her premises with water in addition to that supplied or furnished by the city. All water pipes of the owner to be laid underground shall be laid not less than three feet in the ground. All water pipes of the owner shall be of such materials and sizes as may be provided by the city plumbing code. No lead or steel piping shall be authorized. The owner shall install and maintain a stop and waste valve in his or her line so that water may be cut off and the building pipes completely drained.

(Code 1962, 20-113)

(a)   The owner shall renew his or her water lines or equipment between their home and the meter or City maintained shutoff, whichever is closer to the service location while still being located in the right of way. This shall be done at his or her expense, upon notification by the city manager that there is an unusual amount of leakage and wastage of water due to defects or failures in the owners piping that cannot be remedied by ordinary repairs. In severe cases, the owner shall be ordered to repair his or her portion of water piping and equipment, within 24 hours, after knowledge of or notice of any injury, destruction or defect in the pipes which shall cause leakage or waste of water. In all events it shall be the duty of the owner (or customer) to keep his or her portion of piping and necessary equipment in serviceable condition to prevent loss to the City or damage to the public. The customer (or consumer) shall be liable for the cost of all water supplied to such premises as shown by the meter readings.

(b)   In the event the owner (or customer) fails to renew his or her portion of the piping or equipment or to repair the same when notified, the City may cut off or discontinue the water service until the neglect is remedied. The City may further renew or repair the owner’s (or customer’s) portion of the water lines or equipment if it is necessary to prevent loss to the City or damage to the public. The City may assess to the owner (or customer) all expenses and costs incurred by the City including a reasonable fee for the time and expense of the City employees and equipment. In the event the owner or customer fails to pay the charges, the provisions in section 15-106 may apply.

(Ord. 1120; Ord. 1416)

The city may from time to time at its option renew any water service installation at its own expense without fee. Any existing installation made useless because of installation of larger or new water service shall be permanently closed off by the city at the water main when the new or larger· service is installed and ready for use.

(Code 1962, 20-115)

Contractors and other requiring water service for temporary or special uses where no permanent water service is available may obtain temporary service upon an application to the city clerk describing the purpose and estimating amount of water required. Upon the making of a deposit in cash determined by the estimated amount of water to be used by such applicant, and the payment to the city of a charge as may be determined by the city manager to pay the cost of making temporary installation, the city shall furnish a portable meter, which shall remain under the control of the city and make a temporary installation for such purposes.

(Code 1962, 20-116)

If any owner or customer desires to lay large pipes with hydrant and hose couplings to be used only in case of fire, he or she will be permitted to connect with the street mains and install a meter at his or her expense, under the direction and control of the city manager and under the regulations prescribed by this article, upon application to the waterworks division, and will be allowed to use the water for fire purposes only, free of charge. If for any reason water passes through the meter which is not used in case of fire, the regular established rates shall be charged to and paid by the customer.

(Code 1962, 20-117)

Any party desiring to purchase water from the waterworks division shall make an application for water service upon a contract blank furnished by the city stating fully and truly the purposes for which the services are required. The rates, rules and regulations provided and authorized herein shall constitute and be considered a part of the contract with every person, firm or corporation who is supplied with water from the waterworks system of the city, and each such person, firm, or corporation, herein called the customer or consumer, shall be held to have consented to be bound thereby upon acceptance of application by the city. A meter shall be installed and the water turned on after acceptance of the application and the payment of any required fee or charge and the making of any security deposit which may be required herein or by other laws of the city or law of the state.

(Code 1962, 20-119)

Before any application for water service is accepted, the city manager shall determine whether the applicant is delinquent in the payment of any account with the city for water services received and billed to such party. If the city manager shall find and determine that the applicant is delinquent in the payment of such accounts and has failed or neglected to pay any bill rendered by the city for water services, or if the applicant has been notified of such delinquency and of the intention of the city to refuse application of new service prior to the time of such application, he or she may refuse to accept the application until such delinquent water bills are paid in full or until their payment in a satisfactory manner is assured or guaranteed.

(Code 1962, 20-120; Code 2012)

Meters and/or touch pad meters shall be furnished by the waterworks division and shall be owned by the city. The city waterworks division shall keep the meter in good repair unless damaged or injured from some other cause than natural wear and tear. If the meter is damaged by freezing, rough use, or any cause whatever other than by natural wear and tear, the customer shall be charged the amount of the repair and the amount shall be placed upon the water bill of the customer for the succeeding month and shall be collected with the bill and if not paid within the time provided for the payments of bills, the water service may be disconnected by the city.

(Ord. 1100, Sec. 1; Code 2006)

Water meters shall be installed by the city in each water service in accordance with the rules and practices of waterworks division. Meters in the service of commercial and industrial consumers may, at the option of the city, be placed within a building on the premises of such consumers, and meters in any domestic service, may at the option of the city with the consent of the customer, be placed within the residence of such consumer. All meters used in any service and located outside of any building shall be placed and maintained in a suitable covered box or enclosure to protect the same from possible injury from freezing or tampering.

(Ord. 1100, Sec. 1)

The city at its option may replace any meter at any time. The employees of the waterworks division are authorized at reasonable hours to enter upon the premises of the customers for the purpose of repairing, replacing or inspecting meters in service.

(Ord. 1100, Sec, 1; Code 2006)

It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation, other than duly authorized city officials or employees to turn water on or off at the water meter or curb cock shut off, with a key or in any other manner, without first obtaining written permission from the city manager.

(Code 2006)

It shall be unlawful for any person to break the seal of any meter, to alter the register or mechanism of any meter, or to make any outlet or connection in any manner so that water supplied by the city may be used or wasted without being metered. It shall be unlawful for any person except an authorized employee of the water department to turn any curb cock on or off.

(Code 2006)

If any meter be found to vary in excess of two percent from 100% accuracy, the reading of the meter shall be corrected according to the percentage of inaccuracy found but no correction shall extend beyond the date of the last regular monthly reading. Where service is rendered to customer through a defective meter the charge for such service shall be based upon the estimated consumption. No allowances shall be made for water used, lost or wasted through leaks, carelessness, neglect or otherwise after the same has passed through the meter. Every customer shall have the right to appeal to the city council from any meter reading or water bill and the council may order an adjustment of the bill in accordance with the facts of each case.

(Code 1962, 20-124; Code 1985)

(Code 1962, 20-125; Code 1985; Repealed by Code 2012)

(a)   All security deposits held by the City due to payment of security deposits required by prior City Code provisions shall be kept in the water fund. The custodian of such fund shall keep a separate account showing the name of the depositor, the amount and date of the deposit, amount of interest credited, interest paid and time of closing each account.

(b)   The city shall pay interest pursuant to K.S.A. 12-822 to the customers making the deposit interest is to be credited at the rate determined pursuant to K.S.A. 12-822 on the first day of January succeeding such deposit and on the first day of January thereafter and any accrued interest shall be payable at the office of the city treasurer in cash on demand of the depositor or may be credited on the payment of any bill thereafter rendered. Such interest shall be payable from the “waterworks fund.” Interest due and accrued shall not draw interest.

(c)   Upon the discontinuance of service at the demand of the customer, his or her deposit shall be refunded by the city, upon surrender of the original receipt, together with the interest accrued thereon to date less any amount due and owing the city for service rendered prior thereto. All such deposits not refunded, (or credited to any such account) within two years after ending of service may be deposited in the “waterworks fund” of the city.

(d)   The city may invest not to exceed 80% of the total deposits in the customer’s or security deposit fund in bonds of the State of Kansas, certain political subdivisions thereof, or of the United States as provided by law. The interest from such bonds investments shall be credited to the “waterworks fund.”

(Code 1962, 20-126; Ord. 920, Sec. 1; Code 1985; Ord. 1098, Sec. 1; Code 2006; Code 2012)

(a)   All customers within the limits of the city shall be charged the following rates for water purchased and delivered to a point within in the city limits:

(1)   Minimum Bill (2,000 gal. each month) - $29.30 *

(2)   Each additional 1,000 gallons per month - $9.30 *

       * for customers not in the city limits, see section 15-230 below

(b)   Any new customer desiring service within the city limits where not connected to the system shall pay a tapping fee of $125.00.

(c)   In addition to the charges stated above, all customers shall be assessed any charges assessed to the city by the State of Kansas or any of its subsidiaries when such charges are assessed on the basis of water sold.

(d)   Water rates shall be reviewed annually and may be revised by resolution.

(Ord. 1363; Code 2006; Ord. 1403; Ord. 1413; Ord. 1416; Res. 15-2013; Res. 18-2015; Res. 09-2016; Res. 21-2021; Res. 28-2022; Res. 11-2023; Res. 16-2024)

All customers outside the city limits shall be charged the rates described in section 15-229(a) and (c) hereof, and in addition a sum equal to 75% for water purchased per month.

(Ord. 1363, Sec. 1; Code 2006; Ord. 1413; Res. 15-2013; Res. 09-2016; Res. 21-2021)

Before water shall be furnished to any new non-city customer, the governing body shall determine whether it is feasible and practical to serve such proposed customer and if so, such prospective customer shall pay a tapping fee of $350.00.

(Ord. 1363, Sec. 1; Code 2006; Ord. 1416; Res. 15-2013; Res. 21-2021)

(a)   Water sold to a customer from a hydrant shall be charged at the rate of $22.15 per one thousand gallons.

(b)   Water sold to a customer from the filler pipe near the Power Plant will be sold on a timed basis at a rate equivalent with the City Water Rate listed in this article.

(Ord. 1363; Code 2006; Ord. 1403; Code 2012; Res. 18-2012; Res. 15-2013; Res. 09-2016; Res. 21-2021; Res. 28-2022; Res. 11-2023; Res. 16-2024)

(a)   Where any water bill is not paid on or before the last day of the month following the month for which charged, the service shall be discontinued after notice and hearing provided by sections. 15-102:103 may be resumed only under the provisions imposed by this article.

(b)   Service shall be resumed to any such customer upon payment in full of his or her delinquent account and the further sum provided for in section 15-105 for turning the water off and on and any further deposits required under this article.

(Ord. 1007, Sec. 7; Code 1985)

All water supplied and sold by the city shall be measured by standard water meters and the bills for such service shall be determined by the amount of consumption registered by the meter in accordance with rates applicable thereto. However, the city reserves the right to enter into special contracts for the sale of water to consumers of large quantities of water and to fix special un-metered rates for sales of water to customers purchasing water to be hauled in tank wagons or barrels or otherwise than by delivery through standard water service connections, and temporary rates for sale of un-metered water may be fixed by the city manager. All such sales shall be for cash and the proceeds thereof paid to the city treasurer and credited to the “waterworks fund.”

(Code 1962, 20-127)

A customer shall give the waterworks division (city clerk) proper notice two days before the time he or she desires to be discontinued. Upon failure to give such notices, he or she shall be liable for the water registered by the meter or the minimum bill until such time as the notice is given or unto the service otherwise discontinued.

(Code 1962, 20-130)

The director of public works and his or her duly authorized assistants shall have free access at all reasonable hours to any premises where it may be necessary to ascertain the readings of the meter, location or condition of water pipe or other fixture attached to the city waterworks, or to shut off or turn on water from or to any premises, or from or to any hydrant pipe or other attachment, or for the purpose of seeing that the rules and regulations of this article are observed, or for any purpose that the city manager may deem essential for the operation of the works, prevention of waste or protection of revenue from the waterworks. Upon the refusal, neglect or failure of any customer, consumer or owner to abide by this provision of this article the water may be discontinued upon 24 hours notice to the customer.

(Code 1962, 20-131; Code 1985)

The city does not guarantee the delivery of water through any of its mains and connecting services at any time except only when its mains, pumping machinery, power and service connections are in good working order, and the supply of water sufficient for the usual demands of the customers. The city shall not be liable for any damage done or accident incident to the lack of pressure, or insufficient water supply or break in main, or the shutting off of the water supply or failure of energy used for pumping. The city shall not be liable for the condition of water delivered if it meets the minimum water standards for the specific use.

(Code 1962, 20-132; Code 1985)

Customers shall prevent unnecessary waste of water and keep all water outlets closed when not in actual use. The city reserves the right to cut off the supply of water if unnecessary waste of water takes place. The city reserves the right to prohibit the use of water for yard sprinklers air coolers and/or by other large consumers of water, and to restrict the use of domestic consumers when, in the judgment of the city manager, it is necessary because of an inadequate supply of water or for other reasons.

(Code 1962, 20-133; Code 1985)

In turning on water, the city or the waterworks division or the officers or employees thereof shall not be responsible for any damage that may occur by reason of improper fixtures, open or improper connections, or for any other causes.

(Code 1962, 20-134)

The city hereby reserves the right at any time without notice to shut off the water in the mains for the purpose of making repairs or extensions, or for other purposes, and all consumers having boilers, or hot water tanks within their premises not supplied by tanks but depending upon the pressure in the mains to keep them supplied with water are hereby cautioned against the danger of collapse.

(Code 1962, 20-135)

All customers and consumers of the city water are hereby notified that in case of fire the waterworks division furnishes water for use in putting out fires and all mains and lines may be subject to pressure greater than normal, and that no claim will be avowed against the city for any leaks or ruptures or other damages or injuries caused by such fire pressure.

(Code 1962, 20-1316)

The city will thaw that portion of any service connection which was installed by the city, free of charge, but for thawing any portion not installed by the city, a reasonable charge shall be made commensurate with the cost of such special service.

(Code 1962, 20-137)

The use of water shall be confined to the premises and devoted to the purpose described in the application for service. It shall be unlawful for any customer or consumer to supply water to other parties (by sale, gift or otherwise) except in the regular and usual course of the customers’ (or consumer’s) business or trade or for domestic or other purposes so described in the application for water service and accepted by the city.

(Code 1962, 20-138)

It shall be unlawful for any person to break the seal of a meter, alter the register or mechanism of a meter, or to make outlets or connections in any manner so that water supplied by the city may be used or wasted without being supplied under the terms provided in this article.

(Code 1962, 20-139)

After the water meter is in place and enclosed in a covered meter box in any service installation and before the owner’s water lines are fully installed to receive water service through such meter, temporary service may be received through the service installation for the use of the builder or contractor by temporary piping attachment to the owner’s side of the meter equipped with a stop and waste valve. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation, or his, her, its or their agents or servants to open or uncover any meter box in place as aforesaid or to open or work the curb stop of the city or to attach any water hose directly to the meter, or in any other manner to tamper or interfere with or to cause or permit injury or damage to any meter or curb stop belonging to the city.

(Code 1962, 20-140)

It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, not authorized by the waterworks division, to turn the city water supply into any building or onto any premises until the plumbing thereof shall have been inspected and approved and until authority has been given for the use of such water, or to turn on the water supply without permission after the same has been shut off. It shall be further unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to take or receive any water from the city waterworks except it be drawn or received through a meter installed by the city or as otherwise provided by this article. Section 15-208 must be literally complied with in all cases before any connection shall be made with the city water system or water services supplied to any customer or consumer.

(Code 1962, 20-141)

Any person or persons who shall unlawfully or wantonly destroy, injure, deface, or in any way harm or damage any water pipe, hydrant, faucet, valve meter or meter box, placed in the city for its use or the use of the public or located on property not his or her own, without lawful authority to do so, or who shall carry off any pipe, tools, apparatus, fuel or any other property or equipment belonging to the waterworks system of the city, or who shall open any fire plug or water hydrant or other water pipe belonging to the city and permit or allow water to be turned out, on or run out upon the ground without lawful authority to do so, or in any other manner interfere with the operation of the waterworks system of the city, shall be in violation of this article.

(Code 1962, 20-142)

No water well shall be drilled by any person for hire in the city without first obtaining a permit from the city clerk to drill such well. The permit shall state the location of the well, the name of the owner of the premises, and the name of the driller who will drill such well. A fee of $50.00 shall be paid for the permit and inspection of site location to prevent drilling on existing utilities and assure the absence of cross connection.

(Ord. 775, Sec. 1; Ord. 1008, Sec. 16; Code 1985; Res. 15-2013)

It shall be unlawful for any person to run water, muddy water, gravel, or mud from any well onto any street, alley, or public place, or to drill a water well without first obtaining a permit.

(Ord. 775, Sec. 1; Code 2006)

No person, company, corporation or institution shall establish or permit to be established or maintain or permit to be maintained any connection whereby a private, auxiliary or emergency water supply other than the regular public water supply of the city may enter the water supply and distribution system of the city unless specifically approved by the Kansas Department of Health and Environment and the governing body of the city.

(Ord.1156, Sec. 1)

Approved devices to protect against backflow or backsiphonage shall be installed at all fixtures and equipment where backflow and/or backsiphonage may occur and where there is a hazard to the public water supply in that polluted water or other contaminating materials may enter into the public water supply. Approved backflow preventer valves and systems shall be installed as determined by the city or other designee of the governing body.

(Ord. 1156, Sec. 2)

Pursuant to the city’s constitutional home rule authority and K.S.A. 65-163(a), the city by its utility superintendent or other designee, may refuse to deliver water through pipes and mains to any premises where a condition exists which might lead to the contamination of the public water supply system and it may continue to refuse the delivery of water to the premises until that condition is remedied. In addition, the city may terminate water service to any property where the cross connection, backsiphonage, or back pressure conditions, create, in the judgment of the city superintendent or other designee of the city, an emergency danger of contamination to the public water supply.

(Ord. 1156, Sec. 3)

The city public works superintendent shall have the right of entry into any building or premises in the city as frequently as necessary with reasonable notice except in the case of emergency to ensure that plumbing has been installed in accordance with the laws of the city so as to prevent the possibility of contamination of the water supply of the city.

(Ord. 1156, Sec. 4; Code 2006)

There shall be a curb cock in every service line attached to the city main, the same to be placed within the meter box. Curb cocks shall be supplied with strong and suitable “T” handles.

(Code 2006)

Check valves are required on all connections to steam boilers or on any other connection deemed necessary by the water superintendent. Safety and relief valves shall be placed on all boilers or other steam apparatus connected with the water system where the steam pressure may be raised in excess of 40 pounds per square inch.

(Code 2006)