Article 1. General Provisions
1-101. Code designated.
1-102. Definitions.
1-103. Existing ordinances.
1-104. Effect of repeal.
1-105. Catch lines of sections.
1-106. Parenthetical and reference matter.
1-107. Amendments; repeal.
1-108. Powers generally.
1-109. Ordinances.
1-110. Same; subject and title; amendment.
1-111. Same; ordinance book.
1-112. Resolutions, motions.
1-113. City records.
1-114. Altering code.
1-115. Scope of application.
1-116. General penalty.
1-117. Severability.
1-118. Official newspaper.
Article 2. Governing Body
1-201. Governing body.
1-202. Ordinances.
1-203. Meetings.
1-204. Quorum.
1-205. Mayor.
1-206. President of the council.
1-207. Vacancy; mayor, council members.
1-208. Compensation.
1-209. Members not to interfere.
1-210. Offices and salaries.
1-211. Incorporating code of procedure for Kansas cities.
1-212. Code of ethics.
Article 3. City Manager
1-301. City manager; appointment; qualifications.
1-302. Same; salary, bond.
1-303. Same; powers.
1-304. Same; general duties.
1-305. Same; countersigning warrants.
1-306. Same; acting in other offices.
1-307. Same; absence; acting city manager.
1-308. Same; salaries of officers and employees.
Article 4. Administrative Departments
1-401. Departments created.
1-402. Departmental division; officers; employees; boards.
1-403. Department of law.
1-404. Same; city attorney.
1-405. Same; municipal judge; duties.
1-406. Department of electric generation; department of electric distribution.
1-407. Department of public works.
1-408. Department of public welfare.
1-409. Department of public safety.
1-410. Same; chief of police.
1-411. Same; fire chief.
1-412. Same; ambulance director.
1-413. Department of finance.
1-414. Same; city clerk.
1-415. Same; fiscal records.
1-416. Same; seal; oaths.
1-417. Same; withholding agents.
1-418. Deputy city clerk.
1-419. City treasurer.
1-420. Same; fiscal records.
Article 5. Oaths and Bonds
1-501. Oath; affirmation.
1-502. Oaths filed.
1-503. Bonds required.
1-504. Same; premiums.
1-505. Condition of bonds.
1-506. Approval of bonds.
Article 6. Personnel Policy and Employee Benefits
1-601. Conflict of interest.
1-602. Personnel rules and regulations.
1-603. Salary.
1-604. Reimbursed expenses.
1-605. Employee benefit contribution fund.
1-606. Same; inclusion.
1-607. Hospitalization and medical insurance.
1-608. Salaries and benefits.
Article 7. Investment of Public Funds
1-701. Purpose and goals.
1-702. Active funds; designation of depositories; eligible depositories.
1-703. Definitions.
1-704. Investment of idle funds.
1-705. Procedures and restrictions.
1-706. Custody and safekeeping.
1-707. Sale or transfer.
1-708. Interest on time deposits.
1-709. Same; procedures and restrictions.
1-710. Capital improvements fund; established.
1-711. Same; use of moneys.
1-712. Same; transfers.
1-713. Petty cash fund established; amount; custodian.
Article 8. Open Records
1-801. Policy.
1-802. Record custodians.
1-803. Public request for access.
1-804. Facilities for public inspection.
1-805. Procedures for inspection.
1-806. Appointment of official custodians.
1-807. Designation of additional record custodians.
1-808. Duties of custodians.
1-809. Requests to be directed to custodians.
1-810. Fee administration.
1-811. Inspection fee.
1-812. Copying fee.
1-813. Prepayment of fees.
1-814. Payment.
Article 9. City Land Bank
1-901. Establishment of city land bank.
1-902. Board of trustees.
1-903. Administrative staff.
1-904. Cash basis compliance.
1-905. Budget.
1-906. Duties of trustees.
1-907. Eligible property.
1-908. Development incentives.
1-909. Project development and review.
1-910. Operating funds.
1-911. Annual report.
1-912. Use of funds.
1-913. Compensation of trustees.
1-914. Statutory authority.
Article 10. Revenue, Finance & Community Development
1-1001. Main trafficways; bond financing.
1-1002. Administrative fees for accounts referred for formal collection.
1-1003. Neighborhood revitalization plan.
1-1004. City sales tax; 0.25% for various public improvements.
1-1005. Collection fees for delinquent accounts.
Article 1. General Provisions
2-101. Definitions.
2-102. Animal control officer.
2-103. Same; capture/destruction.
2-104. Same; right of entry; unlawful interference.
2-105. Municipal pound established.
2-106. Breaking pound.
2-107. Cruelty to animals.
2-108. Same; exceptions.
2-109. Keeping animals.
2-110. Animal traps.
2-111. Nuisance animal activities prohibited.
2-112. Noisy animals.
2-113. Animal confines; shelters.
2-114. Death of animals.
2-115. Vicious animals.
2-116. Impoundment for animals other than dogs or cats.
2-117. Impoundment.
2-118. Redemption of impounded animals.
2-119. Impoundment of rabies suspects.
2-120. Animals bitten by rabid animals.
2-121. Vehicular accidents involving domestic animals.
2-122. Emergency; proclamation.
2-123. Kennel licenses.
2-124. Notification of Escape.
Article 2. Dogs and Cats
2-201. Registration and vaccination required; fee.
2-202. Dogs or cat tags.
2-203. Same; counterfeit tag.
2-204. Evidence of vaccination.
2-205. Visiting dogs or cats.
2-206. Running at large; fine.
2-207. Impoundment; record; notice; redemption; minimum fee.
2-208. Disposition of unclaimed dogs or cats.
2-209. Confinement of dogs or cats in heat.
2-210. Muzzling.
2-211. Animals not to interfere with city officials.
Article 3. Other Animals
2-301. Exotic animals.
Article 1. General Provisions
3-101. Definitions.
3-102. Restriction on location.
3-103. Minors on premises.
3-104. Consumption on public property.
3-105. Public sale; consumption.
3-106. Open container.
3-107. Consumption while driving.
3-108. Identification card.
3-109. Underage purchaser.
Article 2. Cereal Malt Beverages
3-201. Definition.
3-202. License issued by city.
3-203. License required of retailer.
3-204. Application.
3-205. License application procedures.
3-206. License granted; denied.
3-207. License to be posted.
3-208. License, disqualification.
3-209. Restriction upon location.
3-210. License fee.
3-211. Suspension of license.
3-212. License suspension/revocation by governing body.
3-213. Same; appeal.
3-214. Change of location.
3-215. Wholesalers and/or distributors.
3-216. Business regulations.
3-217. Prohibited conduct on premises.
3-218. Sanitary conditions required.
Article 3. Alcoholic Liquor
3-301. State license required.
3-302. Occupational tax.
3-303. Posting of receipt.
3-304. Hours of sale.
3-305. Business regulations.
3-306. Minors, incapacitated persons.
3-307. Restrictions on location.
Article 4. Private Clubs
3-401. License required.
3-402. Occupational tax.
3-403. Violation of occupation tax; penalty.
3-404. Restriction upon location.
3-405. Business regulations.
Article 5. Drinking Establishments
3-501. License required.
3-502. License fee.
3-503. Business regulations.
Article 6. Caterers
3-601. License required.
3-602. License fee.
3-603. Business regulations.
3-604. Notice to chief of police.
Article 7. Temporary Permits
3-701. Permit required.
3-702. Permit fee.
3-703. City temporary permit.
3-704. Permit regulations.
Article 8. Special Event Cereal Malt Beverage Permit
3-801. Permit required.
3-802. Permit fee.
3-803. City special event permit.
3-804. Permit regulations.
Article 1. Building Code
4-101. International building code incorporated.
4-102. Additional provisions.
4-103. Building officials; powers; duties.
4-104. Building permit required; application; approval.
4-105. Same; application information required.
4-106. Same; plans and specifications.
4-107. Same; fees.
4-108. Same; posting.
4-109. Building inspector; appointment.
4-110. Same; duties.
4-111. Same; powers.
4-112. Same; right of entry.
4-113. Clarification; modification.
4-114. Inspections of building; layout of building; foundations and footings; notice to inspector.
4-115. Certificate of approval.
4-116. Fire limits defined.
4-117. Buildings in fire limits: new construction; exceptions.
4-118. Alteration or extension of certain buildings in fire limits.
4-119. Moving buildings into or within fire limits.
4-120. Repair of frame buildings and roofs in fire limits.
4-121. Contractors defined.
4-122. Contractor’s license required; building permits; unlawful acts.
4-123. Same; application; granting.
4-124. Same; license fees; conditions; renewal; unlawful acts.
4-125. Insurance required.
4-126. License suspension; revocation; unlawful acts.
4-127. Liability.
4-128. Severability.
4-129. General penalty applied: successive violations.
Article 2. Electrical Code
4-201. Adoption of electrical code by reference.
4-202. Same; additional provisions.
4-203. Definitions.
4-204. Permits required; application.
4-205. Permits issued.
4-206. Electrical inspector; powers and duties.
4-207. Request for inspection.
4-208. Inspection; concealment of prior work.
4-209. Certificate of approval.
4-210. Fees for electrical permits.
4-211. Connection to installations.
4-212. Reinspection.
4-213. Condemnation: review by governing body.
4-214. Work by property owners.
4-215. Interference by unauthorized person.
4-216. Wiring methods.
4-217. Approved materials.
4-218. Liability.
4-219. Severability.
4-220. Electrical contractor’s license or certificate required.
4-221. Electrical contractor’s licenses; application; granting; bonds.
4-222. Electricians’ certificate; application; granting.
4-223. License and certificate fees; expiration renewal.
4-224. Insurance required.
4-225. License and bond exceptions.
4-226. Misuse of license.
4-227. Suspension or revocation of license; no refunds.
4-228. General penalty applied: successive violations.
Article 3. Plumbing Code
4-301. Purpose of article; unsanitary, unsafe, or unlawful plumbing.
4-302. Definition of plumbing.
4-303. International plumbing code incorporated.
4-304. Same; amendments to uniform plumbing code.
4-305. Toilet room floors; business establishments and places of public assembly.
4-306. Toilet facilities in places of public resort.
4-307. Frost proof closets prohibited, when; outdoor water closets; special permits.
4-308. Permit required.
4-309. Same; application.
4-310. Same; fees.
4-311. Same; display of permit.
4-312. Plumbing subject to inspection; plumbing inspected; number and record of inspections.
4-313. Testing standards: water, air or smoke tests; duty of plumber; certificate of approval.
4-314. Plumbing inspector; powers and duties.
4-315. Plumbing contractor’s license or certificate required.
4-316. Plumbing contractors’ licenses; application; granting; bonds.
4-317. Plumber’s certificate; application; granting.
4-318. License and certificate fees; expiration; renewal.
4-319. License and bond exceptions.
4-320. Insurance required.
4-321. Misuse of license.
4-322. Suspension or revocation of license; no refunds.
4-323. Excavations.
4-324. Severability.
4-325. General penalty applied: successive violations.
Article 4. Mechanical Code
4-401. International mechanical code incorporated.
4-402. Gas fitters; license required.
4-403. Same; bond.
4-404. Same; insurance.
4-405. Permit required; exceptions.
4-406. Same; application.
4-407. Same; fees; number of inspections.
4-408. Plumbing inspector; powers and duties.
4-409. Inspection required.
4-410. Same; notice to inspector.
4-411. Same; unsatisfactory work.
4-412. Same; piping defects; notices; orders.
4-413. Same; certificate of approval.
4-414. General penalty applied: successive violations.
Article 5. Heat Loss Standards and EER
4-501. Definitions.
4-502. Certificate of compliance.
4-503. Standards.
4-504. General penalty applied: successive violations.
Article 6. Moving Buildings
4-601. Moving permit required.
4-602. Same: applications for permits.
4-603. Same; bond.
4-604. Insurance required.
4-605. Same; fee.
4-606. Same; route inspection; approval.
4-607. Same; special approval required.
4-608. Notice to utility companies, owners; duty of city clerk.
4-609. Duty of owners.
4-610. Interfering with poles; wires.
4-611. Duty of mover; lights, barricades; street protection.
4-612. Duty of city officers during moving; report of completion; claims of city.
4-613. General penalty applied: successive violations.
Article 7. Numbering Buildings
4-701. Method of numbering.
4-702. Numbering duplexes and apartments.
4-703. Duty to place numbers; materials; size.
4-704. Master-numbering plan.
4-705. Unlawful acts.
4-706. General penalty applied; successive violations.
Article 8. Fences, Hedges and Walls
4-801. Classification of fences.
4-802. Installation permit required; application fee.
4-803. Requirements for location within residential zone; waiver.
4-804. Requirements of commercial or industrial fences.
4-805. Maintenance and repair of fences.
4-806. Certain fences, walls, hedges deemed nuisances; notice to repair or remove.
4-807. Nonconforming fences.
4-808. Unlawful acts.
4-809. Severability.
4-810. Protective fences around swimming pools.
Article 1. Solicitors, Canvassers, Peddlers; Green River Ordinance
5-101. Definitions.
5-102. License required.
5-103. Same; application required.
5-104. Issuance; county residents.
5-105. Same; investigation and issuance; non-county resident.
5-106. Same; investigation fee.
5-107. License fee; time limits; exemptions.
5-108. Renewal.
5-109. Denial, revocation or suspension of license; notice.
5-110. Appeal to governing body.
5-111. Regulations.
5-112. Use of streets and sidewalks.
5-113. Disturbing the peace.
Article 2. Pawnbrokers, Precious Metal Dealers
5-201. State law incorporated.
5-202. Contracts, signatures, information.
5-203. Records kept six months.
5-204. Violation: suspension, revocation.
Article 3. Taxicabs
5-301. Definitions.
5-302. License.
5-303. Application and issuance.
5-304. Insurance required.
5-305. Chauffeur’s license.
5-306. License fee.
5-307. Suspension and revocation of license.
5-308. Hours of labor.
5-309. Intoxicating liquor.
5-310. Registration.
Article 4. Tree Trimmers and Sprayers
5-401. License required.
5-402. License; application; granting.
5-403. License fees; expiration and renewal.
5-404. Proof of liability insurance required; conditions; approval; renewal; rights reserved.
5-405. Suspension or revocation of license; no refunds.
Article 5. Mobile Home Courts and Parks
5-501. Definitions.
5-502. House-car trailers and camps: occupancy and maintenance; removal of wheels; temporary use outside camps; parking or storing; business use; unlawful acts.
5-503. Trailer camps; license, application, permit, inspection; granting of permit; fees; unlawful acts.
5-504. Size of area units; location of trailers; location of camps.
5-505. Sanitation; water supply; toilets; shower bath; sewage; refuse; exception.
5-506. Fire safety requirements; extinguishers.
5-507. Electrical wiring; drop lines: distances; grounding.
5-508. Records and enforcement.
5-509. General requirements; duties of licensee; city manager; revocation or suspension of license; no refund.
Article 6. Sound Advertising
5-601. Sound advertising; radio and loud speakers.
5-602. Sound trucks operation on streets; permits; application; fees; regulations; unlawful acts.
Article 7. Fireworks
5-701. Regulations.
5-702. Sale in fire zone.
5-703. License application and fee.
5-704. Suspension and penalties.
Article 1. City Elections
6-101. Election of governing body.
6-102. Hours of voting.
6-103. Commencement of terms of office; oath of office.
Article 2. Wards
6-201. Wards established.
6-202. First ward.
6-203. Second ward.
6-204. Third ward.
6-205. Fourth ward.
Article 1. Fire Prevention
7-101. International fire code incorporated.
7-102. Same; enforcement.
7-103. Same; amendments.
7-104. Same; variances.
7-105. Same; permit required.
7-106. Same; permit denied; appeal.
7-107. Restrictions; explosive substances.
7-108. Restrictions; liquefied petroleum gas.
7-109. Outdoor fireplaces and recreational fires.
Article 2. Fireworks
7-201. Fireworks.
7-202. Same; exceptions; discharges.
7-203. Same; exception; sale of fireworks.
7-204. Same; licenses.
7-205. Bottle rockets prohibited.
7-206. Authority of fire marshal.
Article 3. Fire Department
7-301. Fire department administration; fire chief.
7-302. Department officers.
7-303. Members; eligibility, appointment examination.
7-304. Discipline; absentees, suspension, substitutes.
7-305. Duties of chief; supplies, repairs; fire reports; member, property; reports.
7-306. Reports to state fire marshal.
7-307. Control at fires; department officers; bystanders.
7-308. Conduct at fires; powers of firefighters; duties of police.
7-309. Drivers of fire trucks; emergency vehicles; sirens.
7-310. Interference with department; fire hydrants; obstructions.
7-311. Private use of fire equipment.
7-312. Emergency outside fire runs; contracts for regular services.
7-313. Compensation of members in certain cases.
7-314. Report of services and attendance; claims; payments.
Article 4. Fireman’s Relief Association
7-401. Fireman’s relief association.
Article 1. Public Health Enforcement
8-101. Health enforcement.
Article 2. Health Nuisances
8-201. Legislative finding of fact.
8-202. Purpose.
8-203. Definitions.
8-204. Nuisances unlawful; defined.
8-205. Public officer.
8-206. Complaints; inquiry and inspection.
8-207. Same; right of entry.
8-208. Notice.
8-209. Same; contents.
8-210. Failure to comply; penalty.
8-211. Abatement.
8-212. Hearing.
8-213. Costs assessed.
8-214. Appeals.
8-215. Construction.
Article 2a. Dangerous and Unfit Structures
8-2a01. Purpose.
8-2a02. Definitions.
8-2a03. Enforcing officer; duties.
8-2a04. Procedure; petition.
8-2a05. Same; notice.
8-2a06. Same; publication.
8-2a07. Same; hearing, order.
8-2a08. Duty of owner.
8-2a09. Same; failure to comply.
8-2a10. Same; make site safe.
8-2a11. Assessment of costs.
8-2a12. Immediate hazard.
8-2a13. Appeals from order.
8-2a14. Scope of article.
Article 3. Nuisance Motor Vehicles
8-301. Findings of governing body.
8-302. Definitions.
8-303. Nuisances unlawful; defined; exceptions.
8-304. Public officer.
8-305. Complaints; inquiry and inspection.
8-306. Right of entry.
8-307. Notice of violation.
8-308. Same; contents.
8-309. Failure to comply; penalty.
8-310. Abatement.
8-311. Disposition of vehicle; recovery of vehicle.
8-312. Hearing.
8-313. Costs assessed.
Article 4. Weeds
8-401. Weeds to be removed.
8-402. Definitions.
8-403. Public officer.
8-404. Complaints; inquiry and inspection.
8-405. Same; right of entry.
8-406. Notice.
8-407. Same; contents.
8-408. Failure to comply; penalty.
8-409. Abatement.
8-410. Hearing.
8-411. Cost assessed.
8-412. Unlawful interference.
8-413. Noxious weeds.
Article 5. Minimum Housing Code
8-501. Title.
8-502. General.
8-503. Declaration of policy.
8-504. Definitions.
8-505. Duty of occupant or owner of occupied or unoccupied building and its premises or vacant premises.
8-506. Regulations for the use and occupancy of dwellings.
8-507. Maintenance and repair; dwellings.
8-508. Designation of unfit dwellings.
8-509. Designation of blighted premises (residential and nonresidential).
8-510. Designation of blighted buildings and premises (nonresidential).
8-511. Inspection of buildings and structures, and premises.
8-512. Notice of violations; procedures.
8-513. Public officer: authority.
8-514. Governing body; authority.
8-515. Order to correct and/or repair, remove or demolish.
8-516. Demolition by public officer; procedure and costs.
8-517. Conflict of laws; effect or partial invalidity.
8-518. Governing body; appeals.
8-519. Right of petition.
Article 5a. Uniform Housing Code
8-5a01. Uniform housing code incorporated.
Article 6. Rodent Control
8-601. Definitions.
8-602. Building maintenance.
8-603. Notice to rat-stop; when city to do work.
8-604. Failure to comply.
8-605. Replace rat-stoppage.
8-606. Notice to eradicate rats.
8-607. Conditions conducive to harborage of rats.
8-608. Inspections.
Article 7. City Ambulance
8-701. Ambulance service.
8-702. Same; patient fees.
Article 8. Commission on Aging
8-801. Creation of the commission on aging.
8-802. Membership of commission.
8-803. Terms of office of members.
8-804. Vacancies and removals.
8-805. Automatic termination of appointment.
8-806. Officers, meetings and procedures.
8-807. No budget or expenditure authority.
8-808. Functions of commission.
8-809. Severability.
Article 9. Insurance Proceeds Fund
8-901. Scope and application.
8-902. Lien created.
8-903. Same; encumbrances.
8-904. Same; pro rata basis.
8-905. Procedure.
8-906. Fund created; deposit of moneys.
8-907. Building inspector; investigation, removal of structure.
8-908. Removal of structure; excess moneys.
8-909. Same; disposition of funds.
8-910. Effect upon insurance policies.
8-911. Insurers; liability.
Article 10. Parking on Residential Property
8-1001. Parking on unimproved surfaces; definitions.
8-1002. Parking in front yard prohibited.
8-1003. Limitation on front yard driveways.
8-1004. Exceptions.
8-1005. Penalty.
Article 11. Property Maintenance Code
8-1101. Property maintenance code adoption.
8-1102. Penalties for violation.
8-1103. Remedies in this article are not exclusive.
Article 1. General Provisions
9-101. Municipal court established.
9-102. Same; practice and procedure.
9-103. Time and place of sessions.
9-104. Municipal judge; appointment.
9-105. Same; absence; vacancy; pro tem.
9-106. Same; powers and duties.
9-107. Same; salary.
9-108. Court clerk.
9-109. Payment of fine.
9-110. Same; failure to pay separate violation.
9-111. Failure to appear.
9-112. Municipal court costs and fees.
Article 1. Police Department
10-101. Police department.
10-102. Chief of police; appointment; duties.
10-103. Same; assistant; police officers.
10-104. Same; reports.
10-105. General supervision.
10-106. Duties of police officers.
10-107. Arrests; authority of police.
Article 2. Property in Police Custody
10-201. Regulations.
10-202. Disposition.
10-203. Same; exempt property.
10-204. Claiming property.
10-205. Proof of ownership.
10-206. Impounding vehicles.
10-207. Impoundment fee.
10-208. Auction.
Article 3. Police Fees
10-301. Fee for police responses to party.
10-302. Initial police responses to parties, gatherings or events.
10-303. Subsequent police responses to parties, gatherings or events; liability.
10-304. Cost; collection.
Article 1. Uniform Offense Code
11-101. Uniform public offense code incorporated.
11-102. Same; amendment.
11-103. Same; amendment.
11-104. Same; omissions.
Article 2. Local Regulations
11-201. Declaration of city policy and purpose.
11-202. Definitions.
11-203. Instruments prohibited.
11-204. Simulated controlled substances and simulated drugs prohibited.
11-205. Severability.
11-206. Obstruction of utility easements.
11-207. Noise; prohibitions and exceptions.
11-208. Urination/defecation in public prohibited.
11-209. Tobacco products and e-cigarette devices.
Article 3. Curfew
11-301. Curfew established.
11-302. Unlawful acts.
11-303. Same; exceptions.
11-304. Parental responsibility.
11-305. Penalties.
Article 4. Prohibition of Firearms on Designated City Property
11-401. Firearm defined.
11-402. Prohibition of firearms on certain property.
11-403. Same; exceptions.
11-404. Penalty.
11-405. Persons excluded from prohibition.
Article 1. Library
12-101. Public library established.
12-102. Trespass; damage to books.
12-103. Removal of books.
12-104. Chief of police shall notify.
Article 2. Cemetery
12-201. Name of cemetery.
12-202. Cemetery management; city manager.
12-203. City manager; duties.
12-204. City clerk; records; conveyances; permits; funds.
12-205. Governing body; rules and regulations.
12-206. No sexton; city manager’s duties.
12-207. Cemetery plat approved; filed.
12-208. Cemetery lots; sale; conditions; conveyance; mayor; clerk.
12-209. Limit on number; transfer of lots; purchase by city.
12-210. Burials; permits; registrar of vital statistics.
12-211. Contents of burial permit; fees or charges; sexton.
12-212. Reopening graves; disinterment; application; permits.
12-213. Cemetery regulations; monuments; markers; grave opening; adornment of lots; mausoleums; permits.
12-214. Other regulations; rights reserved.
12-215. Public offenses generally.
12-216. Cemetery hours; unlawful entrance.
12-217. Firearms; unlawful use; exceptions.
12-218. Speed of vehicles.
12-219. Vehicles; operation; parking.
12-220. Animals prohibited.
12-221. Rubbish; debris.
12-222. Property damage.
12-223. Trees; shrubs; flowers.
12-224. Trespass; loitering; exceptions.
12-225. Planting, construction, landscaping; authorized personnel.
12-226. Flowers, trees and permanent vegetation.
12-227. Same; Memorial Day exception; removal.
12-228. Public notice.
12-229. Enclosing lot and cover of graves.
12-230. Items placed outside of boundaries enclosing lot and cover of graves.
12-231. Corrective action and corrective measures.
12-232. Change of lot owners.
12-233. Protection against loss or damage.
Article 3. City Parks
12-301. Park hours.
12-302. Same; exceptions.
12-303. City laws extended to park.
12-304. Police jurisdiction over parks.
12-305. Damaging park property.
12-306. Vehicles prohibited on walking trail in Bicentennial Park.
12-307. Penalty.
12-308. Dangerous weapons not allowed.
12-309. Hunting.
12-310. Fires.
12-311. Camping prohibited.
12-312. Sanitation.
12-313. Prohibition against alcoholic beverages and cereal malt beverages.
12-314. Preservation of natural state.
12-315. General regulations.
Article 4. Rental Fees
12-401. Rental fees for public property.
Article 1. Sidewalk Construction
13-101. Sidewalks; permit required for construction and reconstruction.
13-102. Sidewalks on established grade; unlawful acts.
13-103. Width and location of standard sidewalks; curb sidewalks.
13-104. Sidewalk construction: standard plans and specifications; materials; thickness; driveways.
13-105. Supervision of sidewalk construction.
13-106. Original construction: petition.
13-107. Condemnation and reconstruction.
13-108. Notice; publication; construction by contract, when.
13-109. Construction by abutting owner; request of city, when.
13-110. Repairs by owner or city; notice; temporary financing.
13-111. Sidewalk costs; assessment against abutting property; old sidewalk materials.
13-112. Payment of costs of construction or reconstruction by special assessment; notice; assessment installments.
13-113. When city pays cost of sidewalks.
13-114. Performance bond; statutory bond.
13-115. Sidewalks constructed to specifications and on grade; condemnation and reconstruction; unlawful acts.
Article 2. Street Use Regulations
13-201. Permits for removal, cutting or encumbering of sidewalks, curbs, gutters and pavement; building permits; utility companies.
13-202. Excavation regulations; water pipes; permit requirements.
13-203. Excavations, street or sidewalk improvements: barriers, guards and lights.
13-204. Backfilling regulations; unimproved streets; paved streets; permit requirement; rights reserved; fees; standard specifications.
13-205. Driveways; widths; cutting curbs; construction by standard plans; replacing or constructing sidewalks; crossing curbs or obstructing gutters; unlawful acts.
13-206. Driveways: filling stations and off-street parking stations; curbs.
13-207. Building permit; construction along streets; encumbering and clearing streets; pedestrian walks; lights.
13-208. Cellar or basement entrances; permits; regulations; unlawful acts.
13-209. Excavation adjacent to sidewalk or street.
13-210. Obstructing sidewalks with personal property.
13-211. Street improvements; utility lines; installation before paving.
13-212. Utility poles and lines; location of; franchise; permits; fees in absence of compensation.
13-213. Trees and parkings; regulations; permits for planting or removal of trees.
13-214. Street beautification plan; planting of trees; cost of planting; city forester.
13-215. Care of trees; height above streets; trimming; condemnation.
13-216. Protection of shade trees; attaching of wires; cutting or damage; utility companies, house movers; unlawful acts.
13-217. Trespassing on parking; vehicles, machinery, junk.
13-218. Molesting unfinished street improvements.
13-219. Bill posting; unlawful on street fixtures or adjacent property.
13-220. Barb wire fences; iron points.
13-221. Burning in streets.
13-222. Petroleum products in streets.
13-223. Hauling building materials.
13-224. Injury to street property or fixtures.
13-225. Enforcement; duties of officers; abatement of nuisances; encroachments; obstructions; resolution of council.
13-226. Unlawful dumping.
13-227. Same; penalty.
Article 3. Snow and Ice on Sidewalks
13-301. Snow and ice to be removed.
13-302. Same: exception; alternate remedy.
13-303. Same; penalty.
13-304. Removal may be made by city.
13-305. Costs on tax rolls.
Article 4. Street Signs and Structures
13-401. Permits required; application; licensed contractors; regulations.
13-402. Wall advertising signs.
13-403. Projecting signs.
13-404. Ground signs; billboards or panel posters.
13-405. Roof signs.
13-406. Pole signs; location in parking prohibited.
13-407. Temporary signs: banners, streamers, portable· signs; regulations; permits.
13-408. Projecting structures generally; marquees; canopies, awnings; regulations.
13-409. Design of signs; engineering practices.
13-410. Sign permits; financial responsibility; revocation of permits.
13-411. Rule of construction, rights reserved.
13-412. Penalty.
Article 5. Trees and Shrubs
13-501. Public tree care.
13-502. Diseased trees; determination.
13-503. Same; notice served.
13-504. Same; failure of owner; duty of city.
13-505. Same; prevent spread of disease.
13-506. Dangerous, dead or diseased trees on private property.
13-507. Trees on public property; cost borne by city.
13-508. Costs on tax rolls.
13-509. Injuring trees and shrubs.
13-510. Fire hydrants, plantings adjacent to.
Article 1. Standard Traffic Ordinance
14-101. Standard traffic ordinance incorporated.
14-102. Traffic infractions and traffic offenses.
14-103. Penalty for scheduled fines.
Article 2. Local Traffic Regulations
14-201. Traffic control devices and markings.
14-202. Parking restrictions.
14-203. Engine compression brakes.
14-204. Parking in residential areas.
Article 3. Impoundment of Vehicles
14-301. Impoundment of vehicles.
14-302. Pre-tow notice.
14-303. Notice.
14-304. Same; release to owner or lienholder.
14-305. Same; disposition of vehicle.
Article 4. Hazardous Materials
14-401. Hazardous material defined.
14-402. Same; exceptions.
14-403. Transportation of hazardous materials.
14-404. Hazardous materials routes.
14-405. Parking of vehicles or trailers carrying hazardous materials.
14-406. Removal of illegally parked trailers.
Article 5. Golf Carts, Work-Site Utility Vehicles, and Micro Utility Trucks
14-501. Operation of golf carts.
14-502. Operation of work-site utility vehicles and micro utility trucks
14-503. Prohibition of operation of all-terrain vehicles, pocket bikes, and motorized scooters.
14-504. Violations; traffic infraction; penalties.
Article 1. General Provisions
15-101. Definition.
15-102. Establishing service.
15-103. Service connection fees.
15-104. Transfer and transfer fee.
15-105. Benefit users.
15-106. Utility bills.
15-107. Delinquent payments.
15-108. Reconnection fees.
15-109a. Returned checks.
15-109b. Inaccessible meters.
15-110. Non-city customers.
15-111. Extensions
15-112. Discontinuance of service.
15-113. Hearing.
15-114. Landlord agreement.
15-115. Utility level pay program
15-116. Fees.
15-117. Utility charge for swimming pool costs.
15-118. Administrative fees for formal collection.
Article 2. Water
15-201. Waterworks, management; city manager.
15-202. Duties of city manager.
15-203. Duties of city clerk; cashier.
15-204. Duties of the city treasurer.
15-205. Use of revenue.
15-206. Definitions.
15-207. Service connections required.
15-208. Application and contract for service connection; charges.
15-209. Application for service.
15-210. Extension of mains.
15-211. New installations: separate service rules.
15-212. New service; subdivision of tract.
15-213. Water service installation; materials; upgrades.
15-214. Owners pipes; costs; materials, sill cocks.
15-215. Owner’s duties; renewals, maintenance, repairs and costs.
15-216. Renewing water service; abandoned or unused services.
15-217. Temporary or special service.
15-218. Special hydrants.
15-219. Application for service; contract.
15-220. Refusal of service.
15-221. Meters, ownership of: maintenance.
15-222. Meters; location; installation.
15-223. Inspection of meters.
15-224. Unauthorized service.
15-225. Tampering with meter.
15-226. Disputed bills.
15-227. Reserved.
15-228. Same; fund; interest; refund.
15-229. Rates, connection and tapping fee; city customers; state assessed fees.
15-230. Non-city customers.
15-231. Non-city customer tapping fee.
15-232. Non-delivered water.
15-233. Discontinuance for nonpayment; service resumed.
15-234. Water metered; exceptions.
15-235. Notice to voluntarily discontinue service.
15-236. Rights reserved by city; access to property.
15-237. Same; service not guaranteed; condition.
15-238. Same; unnecessary use; water conservation.
15-239. Same; responsibility in turning on water.
15-240. Same; shutting off mains.
15-241. Same; fire pressure.
15-242. Same; thawing service connections.
15-243. Unlawful acts; water use confined to premises.
15-244. Same; breaking seals.
15-245. Same; special service during building.
15-246. Same; unlawful taking of water.
15-247. Same; unlawful acts, generally.
15-248. Water well drilling; permit required.
15-249. Same; unlawful acts.
15-250. Cross connections prohibited.
15-251. Protective backflow devices required.
15-252. Protection from contaminants.
15-253. Inspection.
15-254. Curb cocks.
15-255. Check valves.
Article 3. Electricity
15-301. Electric department regulations; administration; duties of officers.
15-302. Application and contract for service connection; charges.
15-303. Extension of distribution lines.
15-304. New installations; meters.
15-305. Temporary or special service.
15-306. Reserved.
15-307. Payment; discontinuance; hearing; rights reserved by city; unlawful acts.
15-308. Electricity rates established.
15-309. Obligation to request schedule.
15-310. KMEA rolling average.
15-311. Adjustment of fees.
15-312. Interconnection Standards for Parallel Installation and Operation of Customer-Owned Electric Generating Facilities.
15-313. Distributed Generation.
Article 4. Solid Waste
15-401. Definitions.
15-402. Accumulations of garbage and trash prohibited.
15-403. Receptacles required.
15-404. Bulk containers.
15-405. Lids; covers.
15-406. Same; bundles.
15-407. Same; baskets; boxes.
15-408. Same; bulky items.
15-409. Cardboard boxes.
15-410. Waiver policy.
15-411. Group containers; businesses.
15-412. Reduced service.
15-413. Same; modifications; amendments.
15-414. Burning of garbage prohibited.
15-415. Yard waste, grass and leaves; unlawful deposits.
15-416. Reserved.
15-417. Collection of garbage; license required.
15-418. Same; equipment for collection.
15-419. Refuse prohibited in certain areas.
15-420. Accumulations of building wastes or materials prohibited.
15-421. Collection fees.
15-422. Same; exception.
15-423. Same; combined billing.
15-424. Same; exempt parties.
15-425. Regulation by governing body.
15-426. Severability.
15-427. Collection of hazardous wastes.
15-428. Storage of trash and recyclables.
15-429. Title to solid wastes.
15-430. Unlawful acts.
15-431. Penalties.
Article 5. Sewer Use Regulations
15-501. Definitions.
15-502. Unlawful sewage deposits.
15-503. Privies; septic tanks.
15-504. Connections required.
15-505. Private disposal system.
15-506. Same; permit, fees.
15-507. Same; inspection.
15-508. Same; specifications.
15-509. Same; connection to public system.
15-510. Same; maintenance.
15-511. Same; additional requirements by health officer.
15-512. Same; refilling.
15-513. Installation, construction permits.
15-514. Same; costs borne by owner.
15-515. Separate sewer for every building.
15-516. Old building sewers.
15-517. Sewer specifications.
15-518. Sewer elevation.
15-519. Downspouts, drains.
15-520. Connection to public sewer.
15-521. Inspection before connection to public sewer.
15-522. Barricades and lights.
15-523. Storm and surface water.
15-524. Unlawful discharges.
15-525. Same; discretion of director.
15-526. Same; procedure.
15-527. Interceptors.
15-528. Pretreatment at owner’s expense.
15-529. Inspections, manholes.
15-530. Unlawful acts.
15-531. Entering premises; inspections.
15-532. Violations; penalties.
15-533. Severability.
Article 6. Sewer User Charge System
15-601. Purpose.
15-602. Definitions.
15-603. User charge; established.
15-604. Same; designated for operation and maintenance.
15-605. Fiscal year-end balances.
15-606. User charges; residential; industrial and commercial contributors.
15-607. User rates; application.
15-608. Payment; preparation of bills.
15-609. User charge system; review by governing body.
15-610. Same; combined bills; exception.
15-611. No free service.
15-612. Funds received.
Article 7. Gas Acquisition Prepay Program
15-701. Participation.
Article 8. Water Conservation
15-801. Purpose.
15-802. Definitions.
15-803. Declaration of a water emergency.
15-804. Voluntary conservation measures.
15-805. Mandatory conservation measures.
15-806. Emergency water rates.
15-807. Regulations.
15-808. Violations, disconnections and penalties.
15-809. Emergency termination.
Article 1. City Planning Commission/Board of Zoning Appeals
16-101. Commission re-establishment.
16-102. Membership; appointment.
16-103. Meetings; duties.
16-104. Same; budget.
16-105. Board of zoning appeals.
16-106. Budget.
16-107. Related fees.
16-108. Community comprehensive plan incorporated.
16-109. Floodplain management ordinance incorporated.
Article 2. Zoning Regulations
16-201. Zoning regulations incorporated.
Charter Ordinance No. 1
Charter Ordinance No. 2
Charter Ordinance No. 3
Charter Ordinance No. 4 (Repealed)
Charter Ordinance No. 5
Charter Ordinance No. 6a
Charter Ordinance No. 6b
Charter Ordinance No. 7
Charter Ordinance No. 8
Charter Ordinance No. 9
Charter Ordinance No. 10
Charter Ordinance No. 11
Charter Ordinance No. 12
Charter Ordinance No. 13
Charter Ordinance No. 14
Charter Ordinance No. 15
Charter Ordinance No. 16
Ordinance No. 944
Ordinance No. 1087
Ordinance No. 1157
Ordinance No. 1199
Ordinance No. 1366
Ordinance No. 1412
Ordinance No. 1431
Ordinance No. 1468
Ordinance No. 1503